In order to merge or join two tables, you nee a common value in both tables. You can also use this to append more than two tables.

Follow the screen prompts and specify the second table name.Go to Home ribbon > click on “ append queries“.Select either table and view in the preview grid.The missing values will be shown as null in the final appended table. In that case, Power Query will still merge, by including all columns. What if one table has more or less columns? table 1 can have student, course and table 2 can have course, student. It doesn’t matter if the columns are not in the same order (for ex. To append one table at the end of another table, you must have same columns in both tables. I have illustrated the screen buttons for these 5 data cleansing steps on Power Query UI below. Just use the filter button on salary column and remove any “null” values. Remove staff with no salary: This operation is also called “Filtering”.Replace missing values – gender & department columns: Select each column with missing data and either right click or use “replace values” button to find & replace nulls with alternative values.Just use “Remove columns” button to nix them. Remove blank columns: The file also loads a few blank columns.

From home ribbon, just tap on the “use first row as headers” button.

Formula bar (optional): The optional formula bar shows corresponding M Language code for current step.We use this to make changes to the query or delete any steps. Query settings: You can adjust query name, see all the applied steps here.This data view looks almost like Excel spreadsheet view. As you make changes to the data, this preview is updated. Data view: You find the preview of current step of selected query here.You can select a query to preview its results and work on it. Queries Pane: This is where all the queries (or connections) you have in the workbook are listed.The other ribbons are transform, add column and view. There is home ribbon where common query options like column / row adjustments, clean-up and joins are found. Ribbon: You will see the ribbons on top of Power Query editor UI.